Historia rodziny Danielewicz: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

Z Ostoya
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Linia 1: Linia 1:
[[Plik:English flag.png|link=Danielewicz of Danielewicz family|20px]]
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[[Plik:Ostoja tarcza korona1.jpg|160px|right|]]
[[Plik:Ostoja tarcza korona1.jpg|160px|right|]]
'''[[Danielewicz]] vel Danilewicz''' - [[ancient nobility|odwieczna szlachta]], rodzina [[Rycerstwo|rycerska]], jedna z najstarzych rodzin litewskich, która dołączyła do rodu Ostoi w połowie XV wieku. jako pierwszy użyć nazwy Danielewicz. [[Danielewicz Dawid|Dawid]], syn [Danielewicz Daniel|Daniela]], był sędzią wilenskim około roku 1450.
'''[[Danielewicz]] vel Danilewicz''' - [[ancient nobility|odwieczna szlachta]], rodzina [[Rycerstwo|rycerska]], jedna z najstarzych rodzin litewsko-ruskich, która dołączyła do rodu Ostoi w połowie XV wieku. [[Danielewicz Dawid|Dawid]] syn [[Danielewicz Daniel|Daniela]], był sędzią wileńskim około roku 1450. [[Barones|''Barones Regni'']] na Litwie.
==Geneza pochodzenia==
It is not known in which way the Danielewicz family started to use Ostoja coat of arms. Either family was adopted to the Clan in the begining of XV century or they took part in Clan society earlier as there are several families in Ostoja that joined forces of Moscic family that was in command of Ostoja forces. Here, Ostoja was a battle cry for all that served Lord Moscic. Its is natural and common that knights serving for the Lord used same sign when the sign deverloped into Coat of arms and so starting to use such Coat of arms, in this case Ostoja
There is no information about origin of [[Danielewicz Daniel|Daniel]], some historians think that Daniel participated in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_of_Horod%C5%82o Union of Horodło] in 1413 and there was adopted to the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rola_coat_of_arms Clan of Rola]. This theory is however not likely to be true since already son of Daniel used Ostoja coat of arms in the middle of XV century and there there was or still is a family with name of Danielewicz using Rola Coat of arms. Therefore, it would be strange that sons of Daniel would use two different Coa.
Danielewicze zostali przyjęci do rodu Ostoi w roku 1450 i od wtedy to zaczęli pieczętować się herbem Ostoja, biorąc udział we wspólnocie rodowej. Nie ma informacji na temat pochodzenia [[Daniel Danielewicz | Daniela]], niektórzy historycy uważają, że Daniel uczestniczył w [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unia_horodelska Unii Horodelskiej] w 1413 roku i że rodzina została wtedy przyjęta do rodu [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rola_%28herb_szlachecki%29 Rolitów]. Teoria ta nie jest jednak prawdopodobna.  
The DNA of Ostoja Danielewicz show Slavic origin, north east group that is typical for Lords and [[Bojar|Boyars]] in this area. About 1000-1300 years ago, family had same ancestor as families of Ejsmond of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korab_coat_of_arms Korab] Coa and Rudziecki of Ostoja Coa (probalby, it is not finally confirmed since family lost the track of the Coa - it also could be [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%C5%9Bciesza_coat_of_arms Kosciesza] or [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dryja_coat_of_arms Drya Coa].  
DNA projektu Ostoi potwierdza pochodzenie słowiańskie lub sarmackie Ostoi Danielewiczów, grupa  północno-wschodnia - Z92 (yp682). Jest to liczna grupa do której należy wiele rodzin [[Bojar|bojarskich]], między innymi Eysmontowie h. [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korab_%28herb_szlachecki%29 Korab] i Rudzieccy h. [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%C5%9Bciesza_%28herb_szlachecki%29 Kościesza], [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dryja_%28herb_szlachecki%29 Drya] lub Ostoja. Rodziny te wywodziły się z ziemi ruskiej, które pózniej przejęte zostały przez Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie. Jeszcze później, bo w w XIII wieku, wiele rodzin bojarskich z centralnej i południowej części Rusi dołączyło do braci litewskich z zachodu.
Looking at the position of those families and also economical strength, it could be presumed that families like Danielewicz and Ejsmond origin from Russian [[Bojar|Boyars]] as DNA confirm such origin. This because after the Mongol invasion in the 13th century, the Boyars from central and southern parts of Kievan Rus' (modern Belarus and Ukraine) were incorporated into Lithuanian nobility and later also into Polish nobility (szlachta) through adoption.
It is presumed that [[Danielewicz Daniel|Daniel]] (Danil) participated in the [[Battle of Grunwald]] year 1410 and participated in following campagne. After the campagne he settled down nearby Vilnius where he was given land and property. According to the records, Daniel had two sons and one daughter. If them, [[Danielewicz Dawid|Dawid]] was the first to use surname of Danilewicz which is very natural since it means ''son of Danil''. Dawid was judge of Vilnius which also show that family was respected at that time.
Przypuszcza się, że [[Danielewicz Daniel | Daniel]] (Danil) brał udział w [[Bitwa pod Grunwaldem|Bitwie pod Grunwaldem]] w roku 1410 i uczestniczył w następnie w kampanii krzyżackiej po której osiadł w pobliżu Wilna, gdzie nadano mu grunty i nieruchomości. Według dokumentów, Daniel miał dwóch synów i jedną córkę. Jego syn [[Danielewicz Dawid | Dawid]] był pierwszym który używał nazwiska Danilewicz, co oznacza linia Danila. Dawid był sędzią wileńskim co również podreśla pozycę rodziny w tych czasach.
According to Boniecki, [[Danielewicz Iwaszko Iwanowicz|Iwaszko Iwanowicz Danielewicz]] was serving at Royal Court during the time of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigismund_I_the_Old Sigismund I the Old] (pl: Zygmunt I Stary, lit:Žygimantas II Senasis) that also gave Iwaszko villages of Nieżylowy and Teszyłowy in Markow county year 1511. Iwaszko had a brother [[Danielewicz Fedor|Fedor]] that also served at Royal Court 1523. Both contributed with 3 horses to war campagnes.
Zdaniem Bonieckiego, [[Danielewicz Iwaszko Iwanowicz | Iwaszko Iwanowicz Danielewicz]] służył na Dworze Królewskim za czasów [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zygmunt_I_Stary Zygmunta I Starego], który nadał Iwaszce Danielewiczowi niosiadłe wsie Nieżylowy i Teszyłowy w powiecie Markowskim w roku 1511. Iwaszko miał brata [[Danielewicz Fedor | Fedora]], dworzanina w roku 1523. Oboje mieli stawić trzy konie na kampanie wojenne.
In 1530 [[Danielewicz Michał|Michał Danielewicz]] was in possession of 10 villages with different economic buildings on the property. His grandson, [[Danielewicz Jan Kazimierz|Jan Karzimierz Danielewicz]] was deputy to the Sejm from the Vilnius district.
W 1530 roku [[Danielewicz Michał | Michał Danielewicz]] był w posiadaniu 10 dużch wsi z różnymi zabudowaniami gospodarczymi na posiadłości . Jego wnuk, [[Danielewicz Jan Kazimierz | Jan Kazimierz Danielewicz]] był już posłem na Sejm z okręgu wileńskiego.
[[Danielewicz Paweł (judge)|Paweł Danielewicz]] voted with Vilnius voivodship for [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Kazimierz John II Casimir (pl: Jan II Kazimierz Waza)] in election, he was Judge and [[Starosta|Lord of regality]] (Starosta) of Intursk in year 1663. His son [[Danielewicz Adam Karol|Adam Karol]] was Judge of Vilnius, died in 1686. His wife, [[Hertzdorf Leonida Konstancya|Leonida Konstancya von Hertzdorf]] discussed with the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapieha_family Sapieha family] about the dept that Sapieha family had to father of Adam Karol, [[Danielewicz Paweł (judge)|Paweł Danielewicz]].
[[Danielewicz Paweł (judge) | Paweł Danielewicz]] głosował z województwem wileńskiego na wybór [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_II_Kazimierz_Waza Jana II Kazimierza Wazy], był sędzią i starostą inturskim w roku 1663. Jego syn [[Danielewicz Adam Karol | Adam Karol]], sędzia wileński zmarł w roku 1686, żona [[Hertzdorf Leonida Konstancya | Leonida Konstancya von Hertzdorf]] procesowała się z [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapiehowie Sapiehami] o dług należący jeszcze do ojca Adama Karola, [[Danielewicz Paweł (judge) | Pawła Danielewicza]].
Next generation of the Ostoja Danielewicz family is noted, [[Danielewicz Jan Hieronim|Jan Hieronim]] , [[Danielewicz Paweł Jerzy|Paweł Jerzy]], [[Danielwicz Mikołaj (miecznik)|Mikołaj]] and [[Danielewicz Roman (podkomorzy)|Roman]], of them Roman was first steward (podstoli) of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oszmiany Oszmiany] and later [[Starosta|Lord of regality]] of Intursk and the [[Chamberlain]] of Oszmiany. Mikołaj was Sword-bearer (miecznik) of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilkomierz Wilkomierz] and later deputy of [[Starosta|Lord of regality]] (podstarosta). All of them signed for [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micha%C5%82_Korybut_Wi%C5%9Bniowiecki Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki] in election of the King. Voting for Wiśniowiecki was more voting for his father, nobody then knew that the son of great [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarema_Wi%C5%9Bniowiecki Jarema Wiśniowiecki] would be such a catastrophe but it can be assumed that the Magnates of the Commonwealth wished to have totally incompetent ruler that served their interests. In this time, families of Radziwiłł, Zamoyski, Pac and Sapieha ruled the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
W następym pokoleniu Ostoi Danielewiczów Ostoja odnotowani są [[Danielewicz Jan Hieronim | Jan Hieronim]], [[Danielewicz Paweł Jerzy | Paweł Jerzy]], [[Danielwicz Mikołaj (miecznik) | Mikołaj]] i [[Danielewicz Roman (podkomorzy) | Roman]], z nich pierwszy był podstolim [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oszmiana oszmiańskim], a później starostą inturskim i [[Chamberlain|podkomorzym]] oszmiańskim. Mikołaj był miecznikiem [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi%C5%82komierz wiłkomirskim], a później pełnił funkcję podstarosty. Wszyscy podpisali elekcję [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micha%C5%82_Korybut_Wi%C5%9Bniowiecki Michała Korybuta Wiśniowieckiego] na króla Rzeczpospolitej nie zdając sobie sprawy ze syn wielkiego księcia Jarema Wiśniowieckiego będzie aż tak nieudolny. Winę za ten katastrofalny wybór pada na magnatów Rzeczpospolitej, którzy w słabym charakterze Korybuta upatrywali własne korzyści. W tym czasie rodziny Radziwiłłów, Zamoyskich, Paców i Sapiehów miały pełną władzę w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim.
[[Danielewicz Roman (podkomorzy)|Roman]], the [[Chamberlain]] of Oszmiany signed for [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_III_Sobieski Jan III Sobieski] in his election as the King. He was married to [[Pac Katarzyna|Katarzyna Pac]], daughter of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pac_family Heronim Domink Pac, son of Piotr, the Voivode of Troki], their son [[Danielewicz Michał (starosta)|Michał]] was adopted by Katarzyna Pac's oldest brother since he had no own son's and with that, the possessions of Piotr Pac and Tekla Wołłowicz past in most to his possessions to the the family of his daughter, additionally Roman Danielewicz bought the town of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kartena Korciany] from the the Voivode in 1680. The couple had a doughter [[Danielewicz Teresa|Teresa]] that married to [[Sulistrowski Krzysztof|Krzysztof Sulistrowski]], Marshal of the Lithuanian Confederation 1716-1717, and sons [[Danielewicz Piotr|Piotr]], [[Danielewicz Kazimierz|Kazimierz]] and [[Danielewicz Michał (starosta)|Michał]].
[[Danielewicz Roman (podkomorzy) | Roman]], [[Chamberlain|podkomorzy]] oszmiański podpisał elekcję [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_III_Sobieski Jana III Sobieskiego] na króla Rzeczpospolitej. Był żonaty z [[Pac Katarzyna| Katarzyną Pac]], córką [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacowie Heronima Dominka Paca, syna Piotra wojewody trockiego]. Ich syn [[Danielewicz Michał (starosta) | Michał]] został adoptowany jako własny syn przez najstarszego brata Katarzyny Paca, ponieważ nie miał własnego potomstwa przez co wszelkie posiadłości wojewody Piotra Pac i Tekli Wołłowicz przeszły na Danielewiczów, w tym [[Bohdanów]] liczący 10.000 ha ziemi. Dodatkowo, Danielewicz odkupili od Paca miasto [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korciany Korciany] w 1680 roku. Para miała córkę [[Danielewicz Teresa | Teresę]], która wyszła zamąż za [[Sulistrowski Krzysztof | Krzysztofa Sulistrowskiego]], marszałka konfederacji litewskiej 1716-1717, i synów [[Danielewicz Piotr | Piotra]], [[Kazimierz Danielewicz | Kazimierza]] i [[Danielewicz Michał (starosta) | Michała]].
This line of [[Danielewicz]] will through next 100 years be one of the most prominent families in the county of Plotelsk.
Ta linia [[Danielewicz|Ostoi Danielewiczów]] będzie przez następnych 100 lat jedną z najwybitniejszych rodzin w powiecie Plotelskim.
===[[Danielewicz Roman (podkomorzy)|Roman Danielewicz's]] line===
===Linia [[Danielewicz Roman (podkomorzy)|Romana Danielewicza]]===
[[Danielewicz Piotr|Piotr Danielewicz]], son of [[Danielewicz Roman (podkomorzy)|Roman Danielewicz]] and [[Pac Katarzyna|Katarzyna Pac]] attended year 1691 to Academy in Vilnius, records tell about Piotr's wisdom and knowledge. In the testament of year 1710, [[Pac Katarzyna|Katarzyna Pac]] name [[Danielewicz Michał (starosta)|Michał]] that was the [[Starosta|Lord of regality]] of Plotelsk and appointed by the Sejm to commissar of the Hungarian boarder. Michał married to [[Zenowicz Eleonora|Eleonora Zenowicz]], daughter of the [[Chamberlain]] of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polotsk_Voivodeship Połock]. She also name her son [[Danielewicz Kazimierz|Kazimierz]].
[[Danielewicz Piotr|Piotr Danielewicz]], syn [[Danielewicz Roman (podkomorzy)|Romana Danielewicza]] and [[Pac Katarzyna|Katarzyny Pac]] w Akademii Wileńskiej 1691, żródła przytaczają mądrość i wiedzę Piotra. W testamencie z r. 1710, [[Pac Katarzyna|Katarzyna Pac]] wymienia [[Danielewicz Michał (starosta)|Michała]], starostę plotelskiego i powołanego przez Sejm na komisarza do spraw granicznych z Węgrami. Michał ożenił się z [[Zenowicz Eleonora|Eleonorą Zenowicz]], córkę [[podkomorzy|podkomorzego]] połockiego [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojew%C3%B3dztwo_po%C5%82ockie]. Wymienia również syna [[Danielewicz Kazimierz|Kazimierza]].
'''[[Zenowicz Eleonora|Eleonora]] and [[Danielewicz Michał (starosta)|Michał]] had three son's, from which there are three lines:'''
'''[[Zenowicz Eleonora|Eleonora]] i [[Danielewicz Michał (starosta)|Michał]] mieli trzech synów od których idą trzy linie:'''
* '''[[Danielewicz Franciszek (starosta)|Franciszek]]''' - [[Starosta|Lord of regality]] of Plotelsk, married to [[Nowkuńska Anna|Anna Nowkuńska]] and from that marriage they had son [[Danielewicz Franciszek Tadeusz|Franciszek Tadeusz]], Colonel of Polish army. Colonel Franciszek married [[Mirska Aniela|Aniela Mirska]] and with her he had two son's [[Danielewicz Michał (judge)|Michał]] and [[Danielewicz Adam|Adam]]. Of them [[Danielewicz Michał (judge)|Michał]] was Standard-bearer of [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petyhorcy Petyhorsk regiment] and Judge of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smolensk Smolensk]. [[Danielewicz Adam|Adam]], younger son of Franciszek Danielewicz and Aniela Mirska married to [[Malinowska Joanna|Joanna Malinowska]] and with her he had son's [[Danielewicz Michał Wincenty|Michał Wincenty]], born in Vilnius year 1792 and [[Danielewicz Tomasz|Tomasz]]. [[Danielewicz Michał Wincenty|Michał Wincenty]] married to [[Szymkiewicz Katarzyna|Katarzyna Szymkiewicz]] and with her had a son, [[Danielewicz Juliusz Bronisław|Juliusz Bronisław]], born in Nowianki 19th of september 1849. All members of this line was registered year 1835 in the books of nobility in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilnius Vilnius] province.
* '''[[Danielewicz Franciszek (starosta)|Franciszek]]''' - [[Starosta]] plotelski, ożeniony z [[Nowkuńska Anna|Anną Nowkuńską]] miał z nią syna [[Danielewicz Franciszek Tadeusz|Franciszka Tadeusza]], pułkownika armii polskiej. Pułkownik Franiciszek ożenił się z [[Mirska Aniela|Anielą Mirską]] i z nią miał dwóch synów [[Danielewicz Michał (judge)|Michała]] i [[Danielewicz Adam|Adama]]. Z nich [[Danielewicz Michał (judge)|Michał]] był chorążym pehytorskim [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petyhorcy Petyhorsk regiment] i sędzią smoleńskim [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smolensk Smolensk]. [[Danielewicz Adam|Adam]], młodszy brat Michała ożenił się z [[Malinowska Joanna|Joanną Malinowską]] i z nią miał synów [[Danielewicz Michał Wincenty|Michała Wincentego]], ur. w Wilnie r. 1792 i [[Danielewicz Tomasz|Tomasza]]. [[Danielewicz Michał Wincenty|Michał Wincenty]] ożenił się z [[Szymkiewicz Katarzyna|Katarzyną Szymkiewicz]] i z nią miał syna  [[Danielewicz Juliusz Bronisław|Juliusza Bronisława]], ur. w Nowiankach 19 września 1849. Wszyscy przedstawiciele tej linii zostali zapisani do księg szlachty wileńskiej w r. 1835.  
* '''[[Danielewicz Konstanty|Konstanty]]''' - oldest son of Eleonora and Michał received family property and Manor house in '''Sulżyn''' year 1704, [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovruch Owrucz county] in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volhynia Volhynia]. '''From Konstanty origin the Volhyn line of Ostoja Danielewicz'''. Konstanty had a son [[Danielewicz Jan (Vohlyn line)|Jan]], born in 1720 in Przewrocie. Jan sold part of the property of Sulżyn to Feliński in 1758. He married to [[Wietwicka Zofia|Zofia Wietwicka]] and with her he had a son [[Danielewicz Aleksander|Aleksander]], born in Słobódka 1765. Aleksander married to [[Krasnopolska Teresa|Teresa Krasnopolska]] and with her he had four son's: [[Danielewicz Stefan Arseniusz|Stefan Arseniusz]], born in Zalesie 1818, [[Danielewicz Józef Gorgoniusz|Józef Gorgoniusz]], born 1813 (rec. Jarmolińce), [[Danielewicz Wincenty|Wincenty]], born 1807 (rec. Hrymiacze) and [[Danielewicz Robert|Robert]], born 1810 (rec. Jarmolińce). Aleksander had also a daughter [[Danielewicz Justyna Paulina|Justyna Paulina]], born in Zalesie 1820. [[Danielewicz Józef Gorgoniusz|Józef Gorgoniusz]] married to [[Alexandrowna Wiera|Wiera Alexandrowna]] and with her he had a son, [[Danielewicz Eufemiusz|Eufemiusz]], born in Lipowiec 1845. This line of Danielewicz was registered in nobility books of Russian Empire year 1850. '''[[Members of Danielewicz family|Genealogy tree of the Volhyn line of Ostoja Danielewicz]]'''.
* '''[[Danielewicz Konstanty|Konstanty]]''' - oldest son of Eleonora and Michał received family property and Manor house in '''Sulżyn''' year 1704, [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovruch Owrucz county] in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volhynia Volhynia]. '''From Konstanty origin the Volhyn line of Ostoja Danielewicz'''. Konstanty had a son [[Danielewicz Jan (Vohlyn line)|Jan]], born in 1720 in Przewrocie. Jan sold part of the property of Sulżyn to Feliński in 1758. He married to [[Wietwicka Zofia|Zofia Wietwicka]] and with her he had a son [[Danielewicz Aleksander|Aleksander]], born in Słobódka 1765. Aleksander married to [[Krasnopolska Teresa|Teresa Krasnopolska]] and with her he had four son's: [[Danielewicz Stefan Arseniusz|Stefan Arseniusz]], born in Zalesie 1818, [[Danielewicz Józef Gorgoniusz|Józef Gorgoniusz]], born 1813 (rec. Jarmolińce), [[Danielewicz Wincenty|Wincenty]], born 1807 (rec. Hrymiacze) and [[Danielewicz Robert|Robert]], born 1810 (rec. Jarmolińce). Aleksander had also a daughter [[Danielewicz Justyna Paulina|Justyna Paulina]], born in Zalesie 1820. [[Danielewicz Józef Gorgoniusz|Józef Gorgoniusz]] married to [[Alexandrowna Wiera|Wiera Alexandrowna]] and with her he had a son, [[Danielewicz Eufemiusz|Eufemiusz]], born in Lipowiec 1845. This line of Danielewicz was registered in nobility books of Russian Empire year 1850. '''[[Members of Danielewicz family|Genealogy tree of the Volhyn line of Ostoja Danielewicz]]'''.
Linia 44: Linia 41:
[[Szwejkowska Katarzyna|Katarzyna Szwejkowska]] married to [[Danielewicz Jan (syn Kazimierza|Jan Danielewicz]], had son's [[Danielewicz Michał Jakób|Michał Jakób]] and [[Danielewicz Franciszek (syn Jana|Franciszek]], with second wife [[Mackiewicz Tekla|Tekla Mackiewicz]] he had son [[Danielewicz Tomasz (son of Jan)|Tomasz]], born 1794. [[Danielewicz Wincenty (son of Michał Jakób)|Wincenty Danielewicz]], born 1830 and [[Danielewicz Jan (son of Tomasz|Jan]], son of Tomasz and [[Karnicka Franciszka|Franciszka Karnicka]], born in Widze 1819 was registered in the books of nobility of Russian Empire in year 1856.
[[Szwejkowska Katarzyna|Katarzyna Szwejkowska]] married to [[Danielewicz Jan (syn Kazimierza|Jan Danielewicz]], had son's [[Danielewicz Michał Jakób|Michał Jakób]] and [[Danielewicz Franciszek (syn Jana|Franciszek]], with second wife [[Mackiewicz Tekla|Tekla Mackiewicz]] he had son [[Danielewicz Tomasz (son of Jan)|Tomasz]], born 1794. [[Danielewicz Wincenty (son of Michał Jakób)|Wincenty Danielewicz]], born 1830 and [[Danielewicz Jan (son of Tomasz|Jan]], son of Tomasz and [[Karnicka Franciszka|Franciszka Karnicka]], born in Widze 1819 was registered in the books of nobility of Russian Empire in year 1856.
===Other lines of Ostoja Danielewicz===
===Inne linie Ostoi Danielewiczów===
'''[[Danielewicz Samuel|Samuel Danielewicz]]''' - [[Rotmistrz|Rittmeister]] of Braclaw gave property of [[Wodopol]] (Tułowo) to his son [[Danielewicz Jan (son of Samuel)|Jan]]. Jan with his wife [[Białonowicz Lucyna|Lucyna Białonowicz]] gave property to their son [[Danielewicz Onufry|Onufry]], the captain of Royal forces.  From this line, [[Danielewicz Dominik|Dominik Danielewicz]] married to [[Zborowska Katarzyna|Katarzyna Zborowska]] and had two son's - [[Danielewicz Wincent (son of Dominik)|Wincent]] and [[Danielewicz Antoni (son of Dominik)|Antoni]]. Of them, Wincent married [[Podskoczym Konstancya|Konstancya Podskoczym]] and had five sons with her. His brother [[Danielewicz Antoni (son of Dominik)|Antoni]] married [[Ostrowska Anna|Anna Ostrowska]] and had four son's with her. of them, [[Danielewicz Wincenty (son of Antoni)|Wincenty]] married to [[Horodecka Karolina|Karolina Horodecka]] and had a son, [[Danielewicz Sylwester Mikołaj|Sylwester Mikołaj]], born in Kozince 1840. Another son of [[Danielewicz Antoni (son of Dominik)|Antoni]], [[Danielewicz Michał (son of Antoni)|Michał]] married to [[Marcinkiewicz|Teresa Marcinkiewicz]] and had a son, [[Danielewicz Wiktor|Wiktor]], born in Putreniszki 1847. Stefan married [[Rogowska Antonella|Antonella Rogowska]] and Józef married [[Niemirów Donata|Donata Niemiro]] of Jastrzębiec Coa and had two sons, Antoni born in 1855 and Julian born 1860.
'''[[Danielewicz Samuel|Samuel Danielewicz]]''' - [[Rotmistrz|Rittmeister]] of Braclaw gave property of [[Wodopol]] (Tułowo) to his son [[Danielewicz Jan (son of Samuel)|Jan]]. Jan with his wife [[Białonowicz Lucyna|Lucyna Białonowicz]] gave property to their son [[Danielewicz Onufry|Onufry]], the captain of Royal forces.  From this line, [[Danielewicz Dominik|Dominik Danielewicz]] married to [[Zborowska Katarzyna|Katarzyna Zborowska]] and had two son's - [[Danielewicz Wincent (son of Dominik)|Wincenty]] and [[Danielewicz Antoni (son of Dominik)|Antoni]]. Of them, Wincenty married [[Podskoczym Konstancya|Konstancya Podskoczym]] and had five sons with her. His brother [[Danielewicz Antoni (son of Dominik)|Antoni]] married [[Ostrowska Anna|Anna Ostrowska]] and had four son's with her. Of them, [[Danielewicz Wincenty (son of Antoni)|Wincenty]] married to [[Horodecka Karolina|Karolina Horodecka]] and had a son, [[Danielewicz Sylwester Mikołaj|Sylwester Mikołaj]], born in Kozince 1840. Another son of [[Danielewicz Antoni (son of Dominik)|Antoni]], [[Danielewicz Michał (son of Antoni)|Michał]] married to [[Marcinkiewicz|Teresa Marcinkiewicz]] and had a son, [[Danielewicz Wiktor|Wiktor]], born in Putreniszki 1847. Stefan married [[Rogowska Antonella|Antonella Rogowska]] and Józef married [[Niemirów Donata|Donata Niemiro]] of Jastrzębiec Coa and had two sons, Antoni born in 1855 and Julian born 1860.
Franciszek, son of Dominik, married [[Budzinowska Elżbieta|Elżbieta Budzinowska]], they had two sons, Floryan Dominik and Jan.
Franciszek, son of Dominik, married [[Budzinowska Elżbieta|Elżbieta Budzinowska]], they had two sons, Floryan Dominik and Jan.
Linia 66: Linia 63:
In 1653 the property of [[Bohdanów]] named after '''Prince Bohdan Sapieha''' in Belarus were passed to Barbara, daughter of Prince Karzimierz Sapieha. Barbara's daughter Tekla Wollowicz then married Piotr Michal Pac and the property passed to the Pac family. Since Piotr Michal Pac had no children of his own, he adopted Michal Danielewicz,([[Starosta]] of Plotelsk, Inspector of the Hungarian boarder) into the Pac family as he was the son of his sister
In 1653 the property of [[Bohdanów]] named after '''Prince Bohdan Sapieha''' in Belarus were passed to Barbara, daughter of Prince Karzimierz Sapieha. Barbara's daughter Tekla Wollowicz then married Piotr Michal Pac and the property passed to the Pac family. Since Piotr Michal Pac had no children of his own, he adopted Michal Danielewicz,([[Starosta]] of Plotelsk, Inspector of the Hungarian boarder) into the Pac family as he was the son of his sister
Katarzyna Pac, daughter of Piotr Pac, [[Voivode]] of Trakai. As result of that, the Bohdanow property among others was passed from the Pac family to Danielewicz.
Katarzyna Pac, daughter of Piotr Pac, [[Wojewoda|Voivode]] of Trakai. As result of that, the Bohdanow property among others was passed from the Pac family to Danielewicz.
==W czasie zaborów==
==During the partitions ==
During the Partitions of Poland or Partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 1772-1918, Danielewicz's participated in many upraising actions witch cause Russian side to confiscate most of the family properties. As the family did not support foreging forces in the Commonwealth and was in opposition, no offices was given to the family anymore. In the end o 18th century part of the family moved to Preussen where they joined Prussian army as officers in hope to fight Russian side that was holding control of the east part of the Commonwealth. After the Napoleonic wars, Marcin Danielewicz received the [[Order of the White Eagle (Poland)|Order of the White Eagle]] for his efforts in the fight for the independence of the Commonwealth. Józef Ostoja Danielewicz was lieutnant during January Uprising and received order of Virtuti Militari, he died 12th of september 1887. Jan Danielewicz died on the fields of Olszynka Grochowska in November Uprising, Piotr Danielewicz participated in 1863 Upraising in Vilnius (the January Uprising) and after the uprising failed, he was sent to Siberia from witch he never come back.
During the Partitions of Poland or Partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 1772-1918, Danielewicz's participated in many upraising actions witch cause Russian side to confiscate most of the family properties. As the family did not support foreging forces in the Commonwealth and was in opposition, no offices was given to the family anymore. In the end o 18th century part of the family moved to Preussen where they joined Prussian army as officers in hope to fight Russian side that was holding control of the east part of the Commonwealth. After the Napoleonic wars, Marcin Danielewicz received the [[Order of the White Eagle (Poland)|Order of the White Eagle]] for his efforts in the fight for the independence of the Commonwealth. Jan Danielewicz died on the fields of Olszynka Grochowska in November Uprising, Piotr Danielewicz participated in 1863 Upraising in Vilnius (the January Uprising) and after the uprising failed, he was sent to Siberia from witch he never come back.
As the consequence of the January Uprising, 80.000 people was deported (according to professor Norman Davies, ''Gods playground, History of Poland'', Oxford university Press 1981) witch is the  largest single deportation in Russian history. Whole villages and towns were burned down; all activities were suspended and the nobility, was ruined by confiscation and exorbitant taxes. In 1905, 41 years after Russian crushing of the uprising, the next generation of Poles rose once again in a new one. Among them, Antoni son of Karol, was executed by Russian side in Volhyn Ukraine where family fought against Russian authorieties both during the time of Tsar and Sovjet Union. His brother Stanisław was sent to Syberia.
As the consequence of the January Uprising, 80.000 people was deported (according to professor Norman Davies, ''Gods playground, History of Poland'', Oxford university Press 1981 witch is the  largest single deportation in Russian history. Whole villages and towns were burned down; all activities were suspended and the nobility, was ruined by confiscation and exorbitant taxes. In 1905, 41 years after Russian crushing of the uprising, the next generation of Poles rose once again in a new one. Among them, Karol Ostoja Danielewicz was deported for teaching Youth the polish language, preserving polish culture and traditions which was forbidden by the Russian authorities.
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wincenty_Danilewicz Wincenty Danilewicz (1787–1878)] received French Order of Legion of Honour and Saint Helena Medal. He took part (among others) in The Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube (20–21 March 1814), where he was wounded.
At the end of 19th century, the family was divided into three lines; the Prussian, Lithuanian-Belarus and [[Volhynia]] line. In total, 26 males was found registered nobility of the Ostoja Clan. Part of the Volhynia line of Ostoja-Danielewicz was excluded from Russian records after taking part in upraising.
At the end of 19th century, the family was divided into three lines; the Prussian, Lithuanian-Belarus and [[Volhynia]] line. In total, 26 males was found registered nobility of the Ostoja Clan. All members of the Volhynia line of Ostoja-Danielewicz was excluded from Russian records after taking part in upraisings and being members of opposition i favour of Poland.
==Notable family members of Ostoja-Danielewicz==
==Znani przedstawiciele rodziny Ostoi Danielewiczów==
[[Plik:Rycerz Ostoja rys R Boguslawski copy.jpg|380px|right|]]
[[Plik:Rycerz Ostoja rys R Boguslawski copy.jpg|380px|right|]]
* [[Danielewicz Dawid|Dawid Danielewicz]] - Judge of Vilnius
* [[Danielewicz Dawid|Dawid Danielewicz]] - Judge of Vilnius
Linia 110: Linia 109:
* [[Danielewicz Władysław|Władysław Danielewicz]] -  Lwow Eaglets ([[Orleta Lwowskie]]) 1918
* [[Danielewicz Władysław|Władysław Danielewicz]] -  Lwow Eaglets ([[Orleta Lwowskie]]) 1918
==Properties of Danilewicz family==
== Majątki ziemskie Ostoi Danielewiczów==
* [[Properties of Danielewicz family]]
* [[Properties of Danielewicz family|Majątki ziemskie]]

Wersja z 01:33, 22 paź 2018

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Ostoja tarcza korona1.jpg

Danielewicz vel Danilewicz - odwieczna szlachta, rodzina rycerska, jedna z najstarzych rodzin litewsko-ruskich, która dołączyła do rodu Ostoi w połowie XV wieku. Dawid syn Daniela, był sędzią wileńskim około roku 1450. Barones Regni na Litwie.

Geneza pochodzenia


Danielewicze zostali przyjęci do rodu Ostoi w roku 1450 i od wtedy to zaczęli pieczętować się herbem Ostoja, biorąc udział we wspólnocie rodowej. Nie ma informacji na temat pochodzenia Daniela, niektórzy historycy uważają, że Daniel uczestniczył w Unii Horodelskiej w 1413 roku i że rodzina została wtedy przyjęta do rodu Rolitów. Teoria ta nie jest jednak prawdopodobna.

DNA projektu Ostoi potwierdza pochodzenie słowiańskie lub sarmackie Ostoi Danielewiczów, grupa północno-wschodnia - Z92 (yp682). Jest to liczna grupa do której należy wiele rodzin bojarskich, między innymi Eysmontowie h. Korab i Rudzieccy h. Kościesza, Drya lub Ostoja. Rodziny te wywodziły się z ziemi ruskiej, które pózniej przejęte zostały przez Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie. Jeszcze później, bo w w XIII wieku, wiele rodzin bojarskich z centralnej i południowej części Rusi dołączyło do braci litewskich z zachodu.



Przypuszcza się, że Daniel (Danil) brał udział w Bitwie pod Grunwaldem w roku 1410 i uczestniczył w następnie w kampanii krzyżackiej po której osiadł w pobliżu Wilna, gdzie nadano mu grunty i nieruchomości. Według dokumentów, Daniel miał dwóch synów i jedną córkę. Jego syn Dawid był pierwszym który używał nazwiska Danilewicz, co oznacza linia Danila. Dawid był sędzią wileńskim co również podreśla pozycę rodziny w tych czasach.

Zdaniem Bonieckiego, Iwaszko Iwanowicz Danielewicz służył na Dworze Królewskim za czasów Zygmunta I Starego, który nadał Iwaszce Danielewiczowi niosiadłe wsie Nieżylowy i Teszyłowy w powiecie Markowskim w roku 1511. Iwaszko miał brata Fedora, dworzanina w roku 1523. Oboje mieli stawić trzy konie na kampanie wojenne.

W 1530 roku Michał Danielewicz był w posiadaniu 10 dużch wsi z różnymi zabudowaniami gospodarczymi na posiadłości . Jego wnuk, Jan Kazimierz Danielewicz był już posłem na Sejm z okręgu wileńskiego.

Paweł Danielewicz głosował z województwem wileńskiego na wybór Jana II Kazimierza Wazy, był sędzią i starostą inturskim w roku 1663. Jego syn Adam Karol, sędzia wileński zmarł w roku 1686, żona Leonida Konstancya von Hertzdorf procesowała się z Sapiehami o dług należący jeszcze do ojca Adama Karola, Pawła Danielewicza.

W następym pokoleniu Ostoi Danielewiczów Ostoja odnotowani są Jan Hieronim, Paweł Jerzy, Mikołaj i Roman, z nich pierwszy był podstolim oszmiańskim, a później starostą inturskim i podkomorzym oszmiańskim. Mikołaj był miecznikiem wiłkomirskim, a później pełnił funkcję podstarosty. Wszyscy podpisali elekcję Michała Korybuta Wiśniowieckiego na króla Rzeczpospolitej nie zdając sobie sprawy ze syn wielkiego księcia Jarema Wiśniowieckiego będzie aż tak nieudolny. Winę za ten katastrofalny wybór pada na magnatów Rzeczpospolitej, którzy w słabym charakterze Korybuta upatrywali własne korzyści. W tym czasie rodziny Radziwiłłów, Zamoyskich, Paców i Sapiehów miały pełną władzę w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim.


Roman, podkomorzy oszmiański podpisał elekcję Jana III Sobieskiego na króla Rzeczpospolitej. Był żonaty z Katarzyną Pac, córką Heronima Dominka Paca, syna Piotra wojewody trockiego. Ich syn Michał został adoptowany jako własny syn przez najstarszego brata Katarzyny Paca, ponieważ nie miał własnego potomstwa przez co wszelkie posiadłości wojewody Piotra Pac i Tekli Wołłowicz przeszły na Danielewiczów, w tym Bohdanów liczący 10.000 ha ziemi. Dodatkowo, Danielewicz odkupili od Paca miasto Korciany w 1680 roku. Para miała córkę Teresę, która wyszła zamąż za Krzysztofa Sulistrowskiego, marszałka konfederacji litewskiej 1716-1717, i synów Piotra, Kazimierza i Michała.

Ta linia Ostoi Danielewiczów będzie przez następnych 100 lat jedną z najwybitniejszych rodzin w powiecie Plotelskim.

Linia Romana Danielewicza

Piotr Danielewicz, syn Romana Danielewicza and Katarzyny Pac w Akademii Wileńskiej 1691, żródła przytaczają mądrość i wiedzę Piotra. W testamencie z r. 1710, Katarzyna Pac wymienia Michała, starostę plotelskiego i powołanego przez Sejm na komisarza do spraw granicznych z Węgrami. Michał ożenił się z Eleonorą Zenowicz, córkę podkomorzego połockiego [1]. Wymienia również syna Kazimierza.

Eleonora i Michał mieli trzech synów od których idą trzy linie:

Katarzyna Szwejkowska married to Jan Danielewicz, had son's Michał Jakób and Franciszek, with second wife Tekla Mackiewicz he had son Tomasz, born 1794. Wincenty Danielewicz, born 1830 and Jan, son of Tomasz and Franciszka Karnicka, born in Widze 1819 was registered in the books of nobility of Russian Empire in year 1856.

Inne linie Ostoi Danielewiczów


Samuel Danielewicz - Rittmeister of Braclaw gave property of Wodopol (Tułowo) to his son Jan. Jan with his wife Lucyna Białonowicz gave property to their son Onufry, the captain of Royal forces. From this line, Dominik Danielewicz married to Katarzyna Zborowska and had two son's - Wincenty and Antoni. Of them, Wincenty married Konstancya Podskoczym and had five sons with her. His brother Antoni married Anna Ostrowska and had four son's with her. Of them, Wincenty married to Karolina Horodecka and had a son, Sylwester Mikołaj, born in Kozince 1840. Another son of Antoni, Michał married to Teresa Marcinkiewicz and had a son, Wiktor, born in Putreniszki 1847. Stefan married Antonella Rogowska and Józef married Donata Niemiro of Jastrzębiec Coa and had two sons, Antoni born in 1855 and Julian born 1860.

Franciszek, son of Dominik, married Elżbieta Budzinowska, they had two sons, Floryan Dominik and Jan.

Michał, grandsonson of Jan and son of Onufry Danielewicz married to Urszula Grzybowska, they had five son's. Of them Józef Antoni married to Bogumiła Kozłowska and had three sons. Antoni married to Zuzanna Truskowska and they had two son's togehter, Adam Michał born 1843 and Piotr, born 1854 in Janopol.

Marcin Danielewicz, son of Józef, Treasurer of Kowno 1746, owner of property Sokołeńszczyzna in Oszmiany county. In this line, Kazimierz married Katarzyna Kontowt 1787. Kazimierz, son of Kazimierz married Anna Rożyńska and had five sons. Of them Andrzej was owner of property of Przystowian v. Miciun and married Józefa Borodzicz. Marcin, son of Kazimierz married Anastazya Skaczkowska and with her he had three son's and one daughter. His son Ignacy was owner of property Noborowszczyzna until 1832. Ignacy married to Wanda Kozubska and had four son's with her. This line is registered in the nobility books of the Russian Empire in year 1840, 1853 and 1854.

Jan Danielewicz, son of Marcin Danielewicz - owner of Gudziany in Trakai voivodeship before 1719. His son Tadeusz was Rittmeister of the Trakai voivodeship, married Petronela Sopoćko, owners of property Lewszany and Piełaniszki. Szymon Danielewicz, son of Tadeusz Danielewicz was Rittmeister of Trakai voivodeship in 1775. Antoni, son of Szymon married to Katarzyna Kondratowicz and had with her five son's and three daughters. In this line Józef, son of Szymon was captain of Royal forces and another son of Szymon, Cyprian Danielewicz married first to Rozalia Wersocka and then to second wife, Rozalia Korsak. Another son of Szymon and Anna Randomańska, Onufry Danielewicz married to Teresa Januszkiewicz an had a son, Zygmunt that married to Teresa Grużewska, they had two sons and one daughter, of them Kazimierz Antoni was born in Słoboda 1860 and Benedykt Michał was born 1864 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Wincenty, son of Tadeusz had two son's; Jan Franciszek and Jakób, owners of property Krupieliszki (Walkinie) until year 1834. Józef, son of Tadeusz was owner of the property Jodzienie-Szłowiany 1777.

This line of Ostoja Danielewicz wa registered in the books of nobility of Vilnius province in 1859, 1862, 1881 and 1882.

A line of Danielewicz moved to Prussia during the partition time. Of them, Carl Friedrich v. Danielewicz was major in Prussian army in 1806 and another Danielewicz was second lieutnant.


In 1653 the property of Bohdanów named after Prince Bohdan Sapieha in Belarus were passed to Barbara, daughter of Prince Karzimierz Sapieha. Barbara's daughter Tekla Wollowicz then married Piotr Michal Pac and the property passed to the Pac family. Since Piotr Michal Pac had no children of his own, he adopted Michal Danielewicz,(Starosta of Plotelsk, Inspector of the Hungarian boarder) into the Pac family as he was the son of his sister Katarzyna Pac, daughter of Piotr Pac, Voivode of Trakai. As result of that, the Bohdanow property among others was passed from the Pac family to Danielewicz.

W czasie zaborów

During the Partitions of Poland or Partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 1772-1918, Danielewicz's participated in many upraising actions witch cause Russian side to confiscate most of the family properties. As the family did not support foreging forces in the Commonwealth and was in opposition, no offices was given to the family anymore. In the end o 18th century part of the family moved to Preussen where they joined Prussian army as officers in hope to fight Russian side that was holding control of the east part of the Commonwealth. After the Napoleonic wars, Marcin Danielewicz received the Order of the White Eagle for his efforts in the fight for the independence of the Commonwealth. Józef Ostoja Danielewicz was lieutnant during January Uprising and received order of Virtuti Militari, he died 12th of september 1887. Jan Danielewicz died on the fields of Olszynka Grochowska in November Uprising, Piotr Danielewicz participated in 1863 Upraising in Vilnius (the January Uprising) and after the uprising failed, he was sent to Siberia from witch he never come back.

As the consequence of the January Uprising, 80.000 people was deported (according to professor Norman Davies, Gods playground, History of Poland, Oxford university Press 1981) witch is the largest single deportation in Russian history. Whole villages and towns were burned down; all activities were suspended and the nobility, was ruined by confiscation and exorbitant taxes. In 1905, 41 years after Russian crushing of the uprising, the next generation of Poles rose once again in a new one. Among them, Antoni son of Karol, was executed by Russian side in Volhyn Ukraine where family fought against Russian authorieties both during the time of Tsar and Sovjet Union. His brother Stanisław was sent to Syberia.

Wincenty Danilewicz (1787–1878) received French Order of Legion of Honour and Saint Helena Medal. He took part (among others) in The Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube (20–21 March 1814), where he was wounded.

At the end of 19th century, the family was divided into three lines; the Prussian, Lithuanian-Belarus and Volhynia line. In total, 26 males was found registered nobility of the Ostoja Clan. All members of the Volhynia line of Ostoja-Danielewicz was excluded from Russian records after taking part in upraisings and being members of opposition i favour of Poland.

Znani przedstawiciele rodziny Ostoi Danielewiczów

Rycerz Ostoja rys R Boguslawski copy.jpg
  • Michał Danielewicz - son of colonel Franciszek, Standard-bearer of Petyhorsk regiment and Judge of Smolensk

Majątki ziemskie Ostoi Danielewiczów


  • Adam Boniecki, Herbarz Polski, Warszawa 1901, V.4, page 80-84
  • Seweryn Uruski, Rodzina, Herbarz Szlachty Polskiej, Warszawa 1904, V.3, page 64
  • Roman Aftanazy Dzieje dawnych rezydencji na dawnych kresach Rzaczpospolitej, Wojewodztwo Wilenskie, t.4, s.37, 120
  • C. Jankowski, Powiat Oszmanski, t.1, s. 223 i n.