Land and properties of Gajdowski-Potapowicz family
Land and properties of Gajdowski-Potapowicz family. Family received several different land properties from begining of 15th century and also many different land estates in 17th century. However, those properties are not listed since it is necessary to make copy of those nominations from the archives in Vilnius and Zytomir.
- Family nest in Lithuania that name Gaydowski origin from. Property of Wasili Gajdowski-Potapowicz
Gojdowskie (Gajdowskie, Gajdowicze, Gajdowgi), osada obecnie nieistniejąca, położona była koło Łukasziwki w obwodzie czerkaskim na Ukrainie. Fragment Wojenno-topograficznej mapy Europejskiej Rosji (wykonanej w latach 1845-1889).
- Property of Wojciech Gajdowski-Potapowicz