DNA of Raczko

Z Ostoya
Przejdź do nawigacji Przejdź do wyszukiwania

DNA of the Raczko family

  • Haplo (tested) R1a1a1b1a2 (Z283+ Z280+ L784+). Although there is no closer match with any tested family, the DNA tests (two tests) of Raczko.
  • Haplo (tested) R1a1a. Although there is no closer match with any tested family, the DNA tests (two tests) of Raczko.
  • Haplo (probably) N1c1. Although there is no closer match with any tested family, the DNA test (one test) of Raczko.

Related subclades and full report of the Nobility of Grand Duchy of Lithuania Y-DNA&mtDNA Project.

The test is also taken into considerationin the DNA project on FTDNA regarding Clan of Ostoja with following results:

Results of the DNA test of Ostoja families