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Barones - latin for Baron

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Baron - Liber Baro, Barones Regni. The word baron comes from the Old French baron, from a Late Latin baro "man; servant, soldier, mercenary" (so used in Salic Law; Alemannic Law has barus in the same sense). Isidore in the 7th century thought the word was from Greek βαρύς "heavy" (because of the "heavy work" done by mercenaries), but the word baro is of Hispanic barón that presumably origin from word baro of Old Frankish origin, cognate with Old English beorn meaning "warrior, nobleman", "free man". Cornutus in the first century already reports a word barones which he took to be of Gaulish origin.

In Poland and Lithuania during medieval time, the title was refered to higher nobility holding high offices and jurisdiction, representing the King. It include Chamberain (podkomorzy), Lord of Regality (starosta), and Jugdes that acted in the name of the King, having right to judge. It also refere to Castellans and Voivodes but those used often additional title - Comes.

The title of Baron or Liber Baro was also refered to knight families of ancient origin (uradel).

Using the titles become prohibited in Poland in the middle of 17-th century - except few Russian and Lithuania prince titles - families where not allowed to use any title. During the partition time, any family that could document land possession and having ancestors holding offices of Lord of regality and Chamberlain where automatically qualified for the baron title if family accepted foreign authority during the time of partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In France during the Ancien Régime, French baronies were very much like Scottish ones. Feudal landholders were entitled to style themselves baron if they were nobles. the title of baron was very common until the reign of Napoleon. Also, similar as in Germany and Poland, the tilte assumed as a titre de courtoisie by many nobles, both members of the Nobles of the Robe and cadets of Nobles of the Sword.

In most, old title of Baron can be translated to english peer or high nobility, in germany Hochadel and also refer to the German title Freiherr which mean Free Lord, Liber Baro.

From being powerful aristocratic title in medieval time and through XVI-XVIII century where the title was both curtesy title and common title for all nobility that reached level of middle class - the title of Baron become in XVIII century lowest hereditary title of High Nobility (Hochadel).

In the Clan of Ostoja, only one person accepted the title of Baron, it was Czechowicz in Austria. Since Chechowicz died without issue, this line of the family extinct and there are then no "modern" or "foreign" baron titles in the Clan of Ostoja, only the ancient ones - Comes, Liber Baro and Barones Regni. In addition, Polish families of ancient noble origin, saw the title of Baron in XVIII and XIX century as low and below their rank and that also explain why so few wanted such title and why title of Count was more adequate.

In XVIII century, the prohibition of using titles stated in constitution from 1673 was abandoned and many comes and baroes Regni families tarted to use their ancient right. It was normal procedure to adopt common European style where term of equality of the nobility was completely unknown. Finally, in the time of partition, many Comes and Barones families wanted to legalize their ancient titles and therefore we can see those titles being of Prussian, Austrian and Russian origin. There where also many other families that made fortune that time by serving foreign authorities and therefore, those titles are sometimes subject of discussion, wherever it was act against Poland and Commonwealth.

Today, not accepting hippocracy and in the light of the truth, titles that where granted to families during time of partition are not the only ones that are accepted. Families that used courtesy titles of Count or Baron in XVIII century before the partition time and that origin from ancient nobility have right to use them wherever it was legalized by foreign authorities or not. Often presented argument that old titles like Comes was not hereditary is of course false and still in favor of the Law and not the facts. Although referred to a group of families, titles as Comes or Barones was in families cultivated and until XIX century never forgotten. It state family origin and status and have nothing to do with the economic situation of the family.

It is therefore normal correct to use courtesy titles today that apply on ancient nobility. Families that where granted titles during the time of partition should also know that their titles are prohibited today by the law and constitution of both Austria and Germany.

Families belonging to Barones Regni where those that build Polish Nation and the Commonwealth. They had most important mission to serve the nation also by forming the law and order, they had key positions on practically every issue, not just military.


W polskim średniowieczu w praktyce pisano Comes Palatinus w znaczeniu Pan Wojewoda, Comes Castri w znaczeniu Pan Kasztelan a ''Comes'' w stosunku do wyskokiego rangą urzędnika lub jak w wielu przypadkach, odnośnie do potomka Komesa Wojewody lub Komesa Kasztelana. Natomiast grupa w obrębie stanu rycersko-szlacheckiego najwyższa, odpowiadająca zachodnio-europejskiej wyższej szlachcie (hochadel, high nobility) a w rzeczywistości wyższa nawet od niej, bo posiadająca jak cała szlachta polska bezpośredniość w rządzeniu - to baronowie, barones regni. W żadnym razie nie jest to tytuł baronowski, przysługującym jednostkom czy rodom jednostkowym, ale nazwa, określenie, pojęcie kolektywne, do którego należeli i który stanowili Panowie. Tytuł baronów w późniejszym znaczeniu powstał znacznie później, najprzód jako tytuł feudalny, a potem jako jeden ze stopni "Briefadlu".

Julian Blesiczyński (na podstawie analizy statutu Wiślickiego z 1347) ujmuje to nastepująco:

Baronami zwano wojewodów, starostów, generałów ziem, kasztelanów, podkomorzych, sędziów i chorążych.

Baronami byli przeto dostojnicy, obdarzeni prawem sądownictwa, którzy osobę króla reprezentować mogli. W dodatku, baronami byli rycerze wywodżacych się z najstarszych rodów rycerskich i należacych do szlachty odwiecznej, ancient origin (uradel).